Wednesday, 26 November 2008

4 Weeks to go!

Yup, 4 weeks to go, so here is Anthea's 4 week checklist:

*Start cooking meals for the freezer - meals for the family, plus dishes for entertaining.
*If you are making mince pies, do them now and pop them into the freezer.
*Buy your Christmas cake and pudding if you are not making them.
*Get your Christmas cards written and ready to post. If you can, put the addresses on the computer and print them out on adhesive labels. Save and file and you won't have to do it again next year.
*If you're planning to do a supermarket shop online book a delivery slot - deliveries for the week before Christmas are quickly booked up.
*Do any last-minute online present shopping so there is still time to get to the shops if the gift you want is out of stock.

Well, I have to admit to feeling pretty smug! I have finished making my 160 Christmas cards and I am babysitting the gorgeous Euan on Saturday night so I am going to take them all with me and sit and write them then! I also managed to get all my addresses onto my laptop (as I lost all the ones from previous years when my laptop died earlier in the year so had to start again - uurghh!) so I print labels, which I find makes life much easier!.
Let me know how you are all getting on



Sandie said...

You see I think you're just showing off now LOL. 160 christmas cards :o Love your new blog header, gorgeous photo!!

domestic goddess said...

well done you!!! i have made a few, and i mean a few, like 13!
hugs xx

LauraLaura said...

Wow you have been busy !