Wednesday, 14 January 2009

pre-school & Birthday

Yes, my baby girl started pre-school last week , hurrah you hear me cry! she has now had 3 sessions and seems to love it, she expects to go daily like her brother does to school, but for now it is just two morning sessions a week.

Jonathan's birthday was on Sunday, so whilst he was at work on Saturday we baked - coffee and walnut cake, flapjacks and chocolate birthday cake - and got all the pressies wrapped. Evie always like to help with the baking:

and we decorated some brown paper with stamps which Evie then coloured in and we used as wrapping paper!

Saturday night we went to Prezzo's in Newmarket with some very good friends, affectionately known as the '04's'. Our friend Kim celebrates his birthday on the 13th January, so he and Jonathan always celebrate together. Last year Kim celebrated a biggy and so 12 '04' friends spent the weekend at Center Parcs (which meant we could also take the children). That was a weekend to remember!

Then Sunday, along with various friends knocking on the door with cards and gifts, I asked another group of friends that we haven't seen for a couple of years to come over and share some cake, it was like old times and we were all laughing and teasing within minutes!

So that is Jonathan's birthday over and done with for another year. On Monday he went to the hospital and was given a date in April for hos next knee operation. He is most defiantly not looking forward to it, but really wants to get it over and done with asap.
I still haven't done any crafting, but this week I went through all my magazines and turned down the pages with the layouts I want to lift, so watch this space!


Helen Aitchison said...

LOve the photo of Evie with the cake mix on the whisk head - brings back fond memories from my own childhood??? You must scrap that one!

domestic goddess said...

wow Evies a big girl now, glad she is enjoying school

Sandie said...

Gorgeous photos, Evie looks so grown up!