Thursday, 30 April 2009

Bit and Pieces

On Saturday evening our friends Jon & Bev arrived for the weekend. Sunday was such a gorgeous day we went off for a walk and showed them the 'bat'

Then after a hearty beef stew we headed to town to watch Henry march in the 'St Georges Day Parade' this is one of the most important dates in a Beaver Scouts calender, after marching past the Abbey Gardens they sat through an hours service at St Marys church. Henry is used to spending most of a Sunday Service in the tower making things at Sunday School, so I was pretty impressed that he sat still through the whole service!

Bury Sixth Beaver Scouts

The rest of this week has been back to normal routine, which I have to admit I love! Although not so keen on all the book work I am having to catch up on - end of year and VAT - Yuk!

This weekend we are off to Jonathan's parents in Margate again, keep your fingers crossed for sunshine so we can spend time on the beach.

Hope you all have a great bank holiday weekend.


Anonymous said...

fingers are crossed for you but it is a bank holiday!!!
We nearly went to abbey gardens sunday but when we remembered about the parade we decided on Nowton Park instead. Was so nice...haven't been there since i was little!
anyways, hope you are well!
Lou XX

Sandie said...

I reckon the weather might be okay, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!