Friday, 30 January 2009

Another week..

has just flown by!
The weekend was just an easy stay-at-home one, which I love. This is Evie in the shower, wearing Henry's school swim hat so that her hair didn't get wet!
and this is her doing her babies ironing whilst I stood beside her doing mine!
and, surprise, surprise here is Henry playing with his Lego. He is Lego mad and if it involves Star Wars Lego all the better! Even his favorite game on the DS is Lego Star Wars!

Jonathan was away at the beginning of the week and I decided to watch a film from my LOVE FILM rental, didn't really check to see what it was, thought it was a romantic comedy - it was PS. I Love You, oh my goodness did I cry - all the way through it! Was a fantastic film though!
Last night we picked my godson Euan up from Nursery and looked after him until his Mummy collected him at bedtime - here are the three of them having fun in the bath
and this is Euan with his much adored bunny - he was a dream to look after, and such a cutie!

Little bit busier this weekend, we are taking the children to Cambridge this weekend to see an amateur charity pantomime, which a lot of our friends are involved in - so should be fun. Then Sunday the children are off to my parents whilst Jonathan and I head off to The RAC Club in London for lunch!

Have a good week


Friday, 23 January 2009

Bits and Bob's

I feel completely scrapped out now! So no more layout's to share.
Jonathan had a wedding fair to attend on Sunday so Mum and Dad and I took the children for a long walk around Ickworth, our local National Trust Park. Was a gorgeous day and the children walked for a good couple of miles, through fields of sheep, over stiles, across bridges and through the woods, really was fantastic. No photos as I didn't take my camera, sometimes I just want to enjoy being in the moment rather than thinking about photo opportunities all the time!

Evie did a spot of dressing up yesterday:
as you can see, she has her own style, fairy skirt, cowgirl jacket and summer hat!
This week Evie has taken to wanting to ride her bike or scooter to school, which firstly takes about three times as long so I have to be extra organised and secondly means me doing a lot of pushing and pulling her along! Henry has taken his scooter on these days and is fantastic on it now - has completely 'got it', but I must make the effort to get him out for some bike riding practice, although this wet weather is not helping.
And tonight Elaine cooked tea for the children (and I may have eaten a little!) These five little beans have all know each other since birth, well okay, Molly is six months younger than Henry so since Henry was six months old! They are just like family and we love them all to bit's. Now the oldest are at school we find it difficult to get together as often as we used to so these play dates are such great fun for them. Thanks Elaine!

Alex, Henry, Evie, Molly and Harry.

Well, the children are in bed, Jonathan is out and I am going to go and watch some big brother before it all comes to an end!

Oh and remember to get on and book the Your Touch of Craft Spring Work Shop asap! It's going to be a fantastic day, find all the details on their blog.


Sunday, 18 January 2009

My mojo returned!

well, for two days it did! I haven't scrapped any layouts for months, so I scrapped lot's of the photographs I'd been saving using all the sketches and layouts I had marked in magazines including a lift of Tracies and Annies! I so enjoyed it, but I have now run out of inspiration again!


Wednesday, 14 January 2009

pre-school & Birthday

Yes, my baby girl started pre-school last week , hurrah you hear me cry! she has now had 3 sessions and seems to love it, she expects to go daily like her brother does to school, but for now it is just two morning sessions a week.

Jonathan's birthday was on Sunday, so whilst he was at work on Saturday we baked - coffee and walnut cake, flapjacks and chocolate birthday cake - and got all the pressies wrapped. Evie always like to help with the baking:

and we decorated some brown paper with stamps which Evie then coloured in and we used as wrapping paper!

Saturday night we went to Prezzo's in Newmarket with some very good friends, affectionately known as the '04's'. Our friend Kim celebrates his birthday on the 13th January, so he and Jonathan always celebrate together. Last year Kim celebrated a biggy and so 12 '04' friends spent the weekend at Center Parcs (which meant we could also take the children). That was a weekend to remember!

Then Sunday, along with various friends knocking on the door with cards and gifts, I asked another group of friends that we haven't seen for a couple of years to come over and share some cake, it was like old times and we were all laughing and teasing within minutes!

So that is Jonathan's birthday over and done with for another year. On Monday he went to the hospital and was given a date in April for hos next knee operation. He is most defiantly not looking forward to it, but really wants to get it over and done with asap.
I still haven't done any crafting, but this week I went through all my magazines and turned down the pages with the layouts I want to lift, so watch this space!

Tuesday, 6 January 2009

Baking and Birthdays

Yes, I know I should be getting back to a sensible eating plan - ie: dieting! but I am just not ready yet! Firstly, I didn't eat too badly over the festive break, secondly, Jonathan's birthday is on Sunday which will mean another weekend of food and thirdly, I am loving cooking as much as possible out of my new Jamie Oliver cookbook!
Yesterday Evie and I decided to do some baking and made a gorgeous Bakewell Tart, I love Bake well Tart but had never attempted to make it myself before, it was really good and I will get the recipe on my recipe blog soon.

Henry had an appointment at the hospital today to get his sight checked as he complains of the board at school going blurry, but he is fine and at the moment his sight is perfect - long may it continue! Then he was off to school, his first day back - and --- Evie starts pre-school tomorrow morning - yippee, I think we both need it and I so hope she enjoys it!
At the moment she is fast asleep on the sofa upstairs, this is a rarity as she doesn't stop for long enough unless she is in bed usually!

I have decided to join Emily Falconbridge on her 52Q, check it out and let me know if you decide to join too, not sure whether to use playing cards or luggage tags yet!
Will be back with birthday piccies after the weekend.

Thursday, 1 January 2009

2009 & lot's of photos!

Christmas Eve was busy, Jonathan was working and Mum had the children whilst I nipped off for a manicure, then I met mum and Dad in town with the children for lunch, we then pottered around in town for a while before heading to church for the crib service, this year Henry was a king and Evie an angel. It's a lovely service and this years performance was 'Jesus party' - we already had the book at home so knew the story quite well.
After that we were off home to sprinkle reindeer food and put the sherry and mince pie out for Father Christmas!
We had a lovely Christmas here, with Jonathan only getting the two day's off everything is always pretty rushed, but we really relaxed on Christmas day, Henry managed to wait until 6.50am before he came in our room and so we got Evie up and together went down to the sitting room to see if 'he'd' been! (which he had) Evie was SO excited, so was shaking with anticipation -this is her first Christmas she will remember.

We also managed to have Sarah, Neil and Euan over for Champagne and then get Evie down for a nap whilst I had a lovely long bath before we headed off for a late lunch at my brothers.

Lunch was excellent, but I was very controlled and didn't over eat, which felt nice! We stayed until mid evening and then got the children home to bed ready for an early start on Boxing day - we made a last minute(ish) decision to go and visit Jonathan's parents in Margate, without telling them, so we left at 8am and arrived around 10.30am only to find they were just getting up - Jonathan's brother and girlfriend were also staying and due to other issues had never met the children before, so it was a really good day.

Sunday we went to see Puss in Boots at the fantastic theatre we have here in Bury - Evie's first panto and she loved it!
New Years Eve we had nothing planned but headed into town with the children for an early evening dinner at Pizza Express which was lovely, then I have to admit I was asleep as mid night came, new year's is not my thing! And New Years Day has been spent relaxing at home for the first time in years as my Grandad always had a New Years Day party, which then my brother took over and this year my mum had one, but kept it small, so it was nice to not feel like we had to attend! Our first New Years Day doing nothing for 12 years!

I will be so pleased when normal routine returns next week, the children need it too, especially Evie, who will be starting pre-school two mornings a week this term - hurrah!
So Happy New Year to you all ! xx