Wednesday, 9 September 2009

A big catch up

I am so sorry about the lack of blogging, I have to admit I am a bit off blogging at the moment, but here I am ready to try and fill you in on the last few weeks! Firstly I have done lot's of crafting! The door stop is a fantastic cloth kits kit! and all the rest is Mosh Posh kit's, except Evies birthday invitations which I used a template for and followed some of Suezies designs.

I'm going to work backwards and start with school! Look how grown up my babies are! Both are really enjoying school/nursery. Henry has just been voted onto the school council so Jonathan & I are very proud of him!

Back to the last couple of weeks of the summer holidays, we went to Bath,

Beautiful Ross on Wye to visit Jonathans brother Philip and his mum,

Woodbridge to visit friends on their boat - fantastic fun day, the children loved crabbing!

The children and I went to Bressingham Steam park and Gardens

and we all went to Africa Alive

This is on top of trips to parks, picnics and visits to friends - no wonder the holidays went so fast!
I held the first Creative Croppers crop and class, it was a great night and thanks to all those ladies who supported me, the next one is going to be on Friday 9th October, details will be e-mailed to those on my list soon, if you want to join the list please leave me a comment or e-mail me - the more the merrier.

Also, Your Touch of Crafts Autumn Workshop is coming up quickly, Sunday 11th October with four class, a make and take, a goody bag, lunch and refreshments through out the day, £65 is a bargin - book soon, before it's too late!

I am taking Shimelles 'Learn something new everyday' class during September and loving it! I have done online classes before and not been too sure, but this one is great and I managed to get a kit which I love!

Well I promise to try harder with my blogging from now on! Thanks for bearing with me xxx


Sarah xx said...

Gosh! You have been busy! What wonderful LO's, really creative and colourful - they are all so great so I can't choose a fave! xxx

Sandie said...

My goodness, look at all those layouts :o Gorgeous though, love the papers!!!

Ann(i)e Hafermann said...

check you out much scrapping!!!!
i love the pics from pretty!!!

suezie said...

Wow you have been a busy scrapper! Lovin some of these pages - oh so cute!

christy p said...

Hey there!! Found your blog in our Homgrown class!

Your LO's are amazing, and your kids ADORABLE!!!

Tracey Holdyk said...

Hi, Having been checking our your blogs and I love this one. Love the layouts, you certainly have been busy. Thanks heaps from checking out my blog, I love Stephanie Ackerman and anything she creates. It should be loads of fun doing these classes.

Anonymous said...

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