Thursday, 26 March 2009

How strange is that??!! just one of the sayings that Evie has picked up from me, you can so tell she spends alot of time with me!

Saturday I took Henry, Evie and Henry's best friend James for a 'Nature Walk', we have some fantastic areas up here in the Moreton Hall Area, not all of which we have explored. So we decided to have a look around Natterers Wood, we found a sunny sheltered spot and had our first picnic of the year - bliss!, If I hadn't had the children with me I could have had a lovely doze in the sun!, but as it was we got up and found the 'giant bat' that has been created, the boys had a fantastic time running around it and we saw lots of birds and insects - was a great afternoon.

These have been making me smile all week, I think Henry planted them at Beavers last year and I just popped them out side the back door and forgot about them, so it was a pleasant surprise to find them this week and I brought them into the kitchen so I could see them every day.

Well, the other news is that Jonathan had his second knee operation on Monday, and it went very well, much better than the left knee. He is feeling okay, but mainly is bored from having to sit around the house!
Amanda and I have got everything organised and ready for Sundays workshop, cannot believe how quickly this has come around and the classes all look amazing, really looking forward to seeing you there!


Lisa Olson said...

Hi Sara,
love the grassy bat!! and Evie sounds like she is becoming a real mini me!! LOL.
Absolutely loved today, it was great fun and yes I got loads out of it.
Thank you for all your hard work and the fabulous finishing touches, it was lovely to meet with you too and can't wait to do it again.

Ann(i)e Hafermann said...

love those pictures!!!!!
today was GREAT!!!
awesome job!!!