Thursday, 13 August 2009

Bad, bad blogger!

where has the time gone? last week was opticians, dentist, get the idea! Then my parents took the children to North Norfolk camping, they just got back today after a fun filled 5 nights away. Henry in particular had a fantastic time making friends and playing at the camp site, his idea of heaven!
Jonathan and I went up on Sunday and I stayed the night, few fun shots of beach and Evie's bath!

Whilst they were away I decorated Evie's room, it hasn't been done since I was pregnant with Henry 8 years ago! And with Amanda's help I managed to get the main furniture from Ikea, I am so pleased with how it turned out and she loves it!

I also spruced Henry's up and gave him a new shelving unit so he is also a happy bunny!
The next news is that I am hoping to start up a monthly crop to be held on a Friday evening in Bury, I will also do a class for anyone who is interested and the first class with be a beginners mini album, so anybody interested please either e-mail me or leave a comment and let me know which Fridays you are free during the next couple of months!
I have a sore throat tonight and am feeling tired so am off to bed.
Night, night xxx


Dawn said...

I love the one of Evie on the beach :-) Congratulations on setting up the crop - just wished you were closer :-( Hugs xx

Sarah xx said...

Super cute bedroom - can you come and do mine like that please? Cute photies too - love the one in the bucket! xx

LauraLaura said...

Hi Sara

What a beautiful bedroom, lucky Evie !

I would be interested in the Friday night crops, what sort of time are you planning to run the classes from ?


Sandie said...

I just adore Evie's room, its stunning!! Wish I lived nearer, I'd be at your crop!!

Joshy and belle said...

Evie's bedroom is so pretty, thats the only thing about having a boy i miss all the prettiness!! fliss xx

Ann(i)e Hafermann said...

Evie's room is gorgeous!!! You are about as good as me with the blogging...LOL!!!