Not much of any interest has been happening around here I'm afraid, haven't even got any photos to share with you as I went to take some at the weekend, only to find Jonathan had left it on and the battery had run out!
Last week I went to a crop at Amanda's on Tuesday night and made a good start on Evie's birthday banner, but apart from that it was just housework and getting ready for Ashlea, Tony, Kate and Julian to come over to dinner on Friday night, which was great fun! I made marinaded lamb with new carrots and runner beans and a potato and parsnip gratin followed by a Peach and Chocolate Trifle, which I wasn't very impressed with - will not be making again!
Jonathan went off early on Saturday morning for 3 days in Loughboro' at a conference and the children and I spent the day in the garden, getting stuff cut back and tidied up, my brown bin is as full as it can be. Saturday night I cleared out the garage and Sunday the garden shed, so I now have a huge pile of stuff ready for a car boot sale. Henry had a party to attend each day, this time of year gets very busy with children's parties and I have given up trying to think of original presents and now put money in an envelope - I know, I know, but all I can say is that Henry loves having his own money to spend so I hope his friends feel the same way!
Am now full of cold and cannot sleep - hence writing this at 2am!
Promise to take some photos to share asap.
Carrot and Orange Cake
15 years ago