Thursday, 13 August 2009

Bad, bad blogger!

where has the time gone? last week was opticians, dentist, get the idea! Then my parents took the children to North Norfolk camping, they just got back today after a fun filled 5 nights away. Henry in particular had a fantastic time making friends and playing at the camp site, his idea of heaven!
Jonathan and I went up on Sunday and I stayed the night, few fun shots of beach and Evie's bath!

Whilst they were away I decorated Evie's room, it hasn't been done since I was pregnant with Henry 8 years ago! And with Amanda's help I managed to get the main furniture from Ikea, I am so pleased with how it turned out and she loves it!

I also spruced Henry's up and gave him a new shelving unit so he is also a happy bunny!
The next news is that I am hoping to start up a monthly crop to be held on a Friday evening in Bury, I will also do a class for anyone who is interested and the first class with be a beginners mini album, so anybody interested please either e-mail me or leave a comment and let me know which Fridays you are free during the next couple of months!
I have a sore throat tonight and am feeling tired so am off to bed.
Night, night xxx

Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Poorly Laptop

Yup, my laptop got a 'spy worm' which will try to find your passwords and credit card numbers - both of which I have now changed - a pain, but necessary! I do have an anti-virus, but I guess these things find ways to get through.
I have done a little bit of crafting ready for when I decorate Evie's room:

Last week was pretty busy, Henry had activities at the Leisure Centre, we also went swimming and met up with friends at the park and cinema and these are my two loving their fruit (honestly, such fruit bats!)

Took this one from our first floor sitting room french windows of the children lying in the sun sucking the sweetness out of the honeysuckle - did you ever do that when you were little? I did!

And Henry went to a one day 'Joseph' workshop run by my lovely and talented friend Polly. He arrived at 9.15am with lunchbox and we arrived at 4.30pm to watch the show! It was amazing what they had achieved in one day with twenty 7-13 year olds! Henry even sang two lines of a song solo - brought tears to my eyes (in a good way!), and he played the part of the Pharaoh.

So all in all pretty busy, this week is haircuts and dentist!
Have a good week xx